Tuesday, 8 December 2015

PEMUSNAH peluru berpandu terbesar Tentera Laut Amerika Syarikat bermula ujian di laut yang PERTAMA . . .

Satu persembahan artis, kelas pemusnah Zumwalt (An artist rendering of the Zumwalt class destroyer) © Wikipedia

nUSANTARa Kapal perang stealth maju Tentera Laut Amerika Syarikat USS Zumwalt memulakan ujian di laut pertamanya pada Isnin. Kos pemusnah baru lebih $ 4 bilion untuk membina, mengambil beberapa dekad untuk membina daripada konsep dan reka bentuk tidak tanpa kontroversi dan risiko yang berpotensi.

Terbesar pemusnah pernah berpandu-peluru berpandu Tentera Laut, USS Zumwalt, kiri Bath Iron Works di sungai Kennebec di Maine untuk menguji kepercayaan laut.

US Navy’s largest guided-missile destroyer 
begins first sea trials . . .

The US Navy’s advanced stealth warship USS Zumwalt began its first sea trials on Monday. The new destroyer cost over $4 billion to build, took several decades to construct from concept, and its design is not without controversy and potential risk.

The Navy’s largest ever guided-missile destroyer, the USS Zumwalt, left the Bath Iron Works on the Kennebec river in Maine to test it sea worthiness.

"Sejak beberapa hari yang akan datang, Tentera Laut akan menunjukkan banyak sistem utama dan teknologi kapal," kata Kapten. Thurraya Kent, seorang jurucakap Tentera Laut, menurut Associated Press. "Angkatan Laut dan pembina kapal yang sedang melaksanakan program ujian ini pertama kapal kelas dengan ketegasan yang melampau dan awal ini di laut dalam tempoh akan membolehkan untuk mengenal pasti isu lebih awal dan pengurangan risiko."

“Over the next several days, the Navy will demonstrate many of the ship’s key systems and technologies,” said Capt. Thurraya Kent, a Navy spokeswoman, according to the Associated Press. “The Navy and the shipbuilder are executing the test program of this first of class ship with extreme rigor and this initial at-sea period will allow for earlier issue identification and risk mitigation.”

And there she goes, the Navy's stealth destroyer, the USS Zumwalt, headed to see past Popham Beach (Dan itu dia akan pergi, pemusnah stealth Tentera Laut, USS Zumwalt, yang diketuai untuk melihat masa lalu pantai Popham) #Maine #Zumwalt 10:44 PM - 7 Dec 2015

Pada 600 kaki panjang, Zumwalt adalah diselaraskan pemusnah peluru berpandu dengan senjata laser dan antena, serta pemanduan elektrik pendorongan direka untuk menggantikan armada semasa tentera laut pemusnah Arleigh-Burke. Lebihan kos dan kelewatan program mengetuai Tentera Laut untuk menghadkan pengeluaran pada 3, dengan anggaran kos ke atas $12.3 billion keseluruhan, peningkatan 37 % peratus pada awal anggaran $8.9 billion. Jumlah kos yang mungkin untuk mencapai $22 billion, menurut AP.

At 600 feet long, the Zumwalt is a streamlined guided-missile destroyer with laser weapons and antennas, as well as electric drive propulsion designed to replace the Navy’s current fleet of Arleigh-Burke destroyers. Cost overruns and program delays led the Navy to cap production at three, with costs estimated to top $12.3 billion total, a 37 percent increase on the initial $8.9 billion estimate. Total costs are likely to reach $22 billion, according to AP.

The US Navy's largest destroyer ever built, USS Zumwalt, just launched for sea trials. Cost: $4.3 billion (Pemusnah Tentera Laut Amerika Syarikat yang terbesar pernah dibina, USS Zumwalt, hanya dilancarkan untuk ujian di laut. Kos: $4.3 billion). 1:44 AM - 8 Dec 2015

Pada 16,000 tan, kapal itu boleh beroperasi secara bebas atau sebagai sebahagian daripada kumpulan pembawa serangan, dan mampu peperangan pelbagai misi - anti-udara, anti-kapal selam dan anti-permukaan. Ia mempunyai 80 periferal pelancaran sistem menegak, 2 maju 155 milimeter sistem senjata api, dan 2 30 mm dekat dalam senjata. Tanjakan bot tegas yang boleh memuatkan 2 bot pam, dan ia mempunyai penerbangan kapasiti lapang yang cukup untuk 2 helikopter Seahawk, atau satu Seahawk dan 3 pesawat, mengikut fakta fail Tentera Laut Amerika Syarikat.

At 16,000 tons, the ship can operate independently or as part of a carrier strike group, and is capable of multi-mission warfare – anti-air, anti-submarine and anti-surface. It has 80 peripheral vertical launch systems, two advanced 155 millimeter guns systems, and two 30 mm close-in guns. Its stern boat ramp can fit two rigid hull inflatable boats, and it has aviation capacity roomy enough for two Seahawk helicopters, or one Seahawk and three drones, according to the US Navy fact file.

The USS Zumwalt Deck Looks Like a Part of an Imperial Star Destroyer (USS Zumwalt Deck Kelihatan Seperti Sebahagian daripada Destroyer Imperial Star)

Ciri-ciri reka bentuk yang menyebabkan kontroversi, walaupun. Penerangan seperti tidak menarik perhatian"papak berat sebelah techno aisberg" merujuk kepada jambatan piramid seperti, yang Tentera Laut berkata, "mengurangkan [s] keratan rentas radar kapal, membuat kapal yang kurang boleh dilihat oleh radar musuh di laut."

Its design features are causing controversy, though. Unflattering descriptions such as a “slab-sided techno iceberg” refer to its pyramid-like bridge, which the Navy said “reduce[s] the ship’s radar cross section, making the ship less visible to enemy radar at sea.”

How exciting to see this special photo from a Bath resident of the Zumwalt destroyer underway in the Kennebec River (Bagaimana menarik untuk melihat foto khas ini dari seorang penduduk Bath pemusnah Zumwalt yang dijalankan di Sungai Kennebec) 8:10 AM - 8 Dec 2015

Kemudian ada badan tumblehome itu, depan bersudut gelombang-piercing di mana kapal-dua belah cerun keluar daripada masuk, menurut Pertahanan News, yang bertujuan untuk kepingan melalui gelombang sebanyak menaiki mereka.

Bentuk badan kapal di mana rasuk kapal yang sempit dari garis air ke dek atas tidak pernah dilihat dalam reka bentuk bot sejak Perang Rusia-Jepun pada tahun 1905, apabila pereka limbungan kapal Perancis digunakan tumblehome pemikiran ia akan mewujudkan keyakinan laut yang lebih baik. Apa yang mereka dapati adalah bahawa ia mewujudkan masalah kestabilan, tetapi ia mengambil Rusia untuk mencari ia sesuai untuk mengemudi melalui terusan.

Then there is the tumblehome hull, a wave-piercing angled front where the ship’s sides slope outward rather than inward, according to Defense News, which intended to slice through waves as much as ride them.

The hull form where the beam of the vessel is narrowed from the water-line to the upper deck has not been seen in boat design since the Russo-Japanese War in 1905, when French shipyard designers used the tumblehome thinking it would create better sea worthiness. What they found was that it created stability problems, but it took the Russians to find it was ideal for navigating through canals.

This Is The Navy's New Zumwalt-Class Destroyer Out At Sea For The Very First Time on (Ini Adakah Destroyer New Zumwalt-Class Tentera Laut keluar di laut buat kali pertama padanya) @kinja http://foxtrotalpha.jalopnik.com/this-is-the-navys-newest-destroyer-out-at-sea-for-the-v-1746694657

Lukisan pada sejarahnya, Pertahanan News melaporkan pada tahun 2007, sekurang-kurangnya 8 pegawai dan bekas, jurutera tentera laut, arkitek dan penganalisis tentera laut berkata mereka bimbang tentang kestabilan kapal, meningkatkan kebimbangan mengenai "berguling", "Melibas," dan kira-kira yang keupayaan stealth.

"Stealth adalah BS untuk memulakan dengan dan masih BS," kata seorang pengkritik, arkitek laut awam, memberitahu Pertahanan News.

"Masalahnya ialah bahawa sebagai padang kapal dan berhela di laut, jika anda mempunyai tumblehome bukannya suar, anda tidak mempunyai tenaga pembetul untuk membuat kapal yang datang kembali ke atas," Ken Brower memberitahu keluar. "Pada DDG 1000 [Zumwalt], dengan gelombang yang datang pada anda dari belakang, kapal pitches ke bawah apabila, ia boleh kehilangan kestabilan melintang sebagai buritan keluar dari air - dan pada dasarnya bergolek."

Drawing on that history, Defense News reported in 2007 that at least eight current and former officers, Navy engineers, architects and naval analysts said they were concerned about the ship’s stability, raising concerns about “rolling over,” “flipping,” and about its stealth ability.

“Stealth was BS to start with and is still BS,” one critic, a civilian naval architect, told Defense News.

“The trouble is that as a ship pitches and heaves at sea, if you have a tumblehome instead of flare, you have no righting energy to make the ship come back up,” Ken Brower told the outlet. “On the DDG 1000 [Zumwalt], with the wave coming at you from behind, when a ship pitches down, it can lose transverse stability as the stern comes out of the water – and basically roll over.”

IKYN: Leading this awesome new @USNavy destroyer: Capt. James Kirk! (IKYN: terkemuka menggerunkan USNavy pemusnah baru:. Kapten James Kirk!) http://foxtrotalpha.jalopnik.com/this-is-the-navys-newest-destroyer-out-at-sea-for-the-v-1746694657 #Zumwalt

Pegawai-pegawai dan jurutera Tentera Laut menegaskan reka bentuk yang selamat, dan mata untuk ujian meluas menggunakan komputer dan pelbagai model berskala-turun yang telah pun diuji.

Bersama-sama dengan persoalan ciri reka bentuk dan kos berlebihan kebimbangan mengenai sama ada pembinaan kapal seperti ini adalah penggunaan berhemat wang pembayar cukai pada abad ke-21 - dan patut hak untuk peperangan masa depan.

"Tiada kapal yang lebih menarik dalam cara yang ia menghubungkan masa lalu dengan soalan-soalan yang mengelilingi masa depan perang tentera laut," Peter Singer, felo kanan di New America Foundation, kepada AP. "Ia adalah kedua-dua throwback dan kejayaan. Ia adalah saiz kapal perang Perang DUNIA I, asalnya direka untuk pengeboman tembakan pantai, peranan ramai yang tidak pasti kita juga perlu apa-apa lagi, tetapi benar-benar revolusi dengan cara lain."

Navy officials and engineers insist the design is safe, and point to extensive testing using computers and a variety of scaled-down models that have already been tested.

Along with questions over design features and costs overruns is concern about whether shipbuilding of this kind is a prudent use of taxpayer’s money in the 21st Century – and the right fit for future warfare.

“No ship is more interesting in the way that it links the past with the questions that surround the future of naval war,” Peter Singer, a senior fellow at the New America Foundation, told AP. “It is a both a throwback and a breakthrough. It is the size of a World War I battleship, originally designed for gunfire shore bombardment, a role many are not sure we even need any more, but utterly revolutionary in other ways.”

READ MORE: http://on.rt.com/6yt6

LAPORAN menakutkan nuklear Soviet kekal rahsia kerana bimbang keselamatan NEGARA . . .

© Reuters

nUSANTARa Pegawai kerajaan British telah menolak untuk melepaskan dokumen yang berhubungan dengan kejadian Able Archer1983, apabila satu latihan ketenteraan NATO datang dekat dengan memprovokasi perang nuklear dengan Kesatuan Soviet.

Ketua keselamatan menegaskan laporan mengenai krisis mesti kekal rahsia atas alasan keselamatan negara, kerana maklumat dalam dokumen itu masih relevan hari ini.

Pegawai-pegawai Amerika Syarikat telah mengeluarkan beberapa dokumen mengenai kejadian itu yang menggambarkan bagaimana hubungan Amerika Syarikat -Soviet telah berbahaya merosot menjelang sehingga latihan ketenteraan kontroversi yang simulasi serangan nuklear.

Pertikaian itu datang sebagai NATO mengumumkan akan mengemas kini doktrin nuklear sebagai tindak balas kepada rancangan Rusia untuk membeli 40 peluru berpandu balistik antara benua baru.

Report on Soviet nuclear scare remains 
top secret over national security fears . . .

British government officials have refused to release documents relating to the 1983 Able Archer incident, when a NATO military exercise came close to provoking nuclear war with the Soviet Union.

Security chiefs insist a report on the crisis must remain secret on national security grounds, as information within the document is still relevant today.

US officials have released several documents concerning the incident which describe how US-Soviet relations had dangerously deteriorated in the run-up to the controversial military exercise which simulated a nuclear attack.

The dispute comes as NATO announced it would update its nuclear doctrine in response to Russian plans to buy 40 new intercontinental ballistic missiles.

Selepas berbulan-bulan perbincangan, Pejabat Kabinet disekat pelepasan dokumen bertajuk "Pengesanan Persediaan Soviet untuk Perangi NATO," memetik seksyen 23 Akta Kebebasan Maklumat, yang mengenakan pengecualian mutlak daripada pendedahan - tanpa pertahanan kepentingan awam - keselamatan dan bahan perisikan.

Dokumen itu telah diminta oleh Nate Jones, Arkib Keselamatan Negara Amerika Syarikat dilampirkan dengan University George Washington di Washington DC

Walaupun permintaan Jones 'yang disokong oleh bekas ketua Bahagian Soviet GCHQ, ia dinafikan oleh pegawai-pegawai Kabinet.

Jones kemudian mengemukakan rayuan kepada Pesuruhjaya Maklumat Christopher Graham, yang juga menolak permohonan itu atas alasan keselamatan negara.

After months of deliberation, the Cabinet Office blocked the release of a document titled “The Detection of Soviet Preparations for War Against NATO,” citing section 23 of the Freedom of Information Act, which imposes an absolute exemption from disclosure – with no public interest defense – of security and intelligence material.

The document was requested by Nate Jones, of the US National Security Archive attached to George Washington University in Washington D.C.

Despite Jones’ request being supported by the former head of GCHQ’s Soviet Division, it was denied by Cabinet officials.

Jones then appealed to Information Commissioner Christopher Graham, who also rejected the request on national security grounds.

Michael Gove plots against FOI to make it harder for people to seek information from state (Michael Gove plot terhadap FOI untuk membuat lebih sukar bagi orang ramai untuk mendapatkan maklumat dari negeri) http://on.rt.com/d7ragy   4:59 PM - 23 Jun 2015

Graham yang diterima terdapat "kepentingan awam dalam memahami pengajaran daripada Able Archer 83, dan pendedahan yang berpotensi menambah beberapa nilai kepada apa yang sudah diketahui umum mengenai latihan itu."

Bagaimanapun, beliau berpendapat terdapat "minat awam yang kuat dalam menjaga keselamatan negara" dan kata laporan itu JIC adalah "masih relevan kepada keselamatan negara hari ini."

Menulis di blog Arkib Keselamatan Negara sebelum permintaan itu ditolak, Jones berkata dokumen itu adalah "laporan komprehensif pertama yang memberi amaran bahawa satu latihan pelepasan nuklear November 1983 dipanggil Able Archer 83 boleh dihantui Soviet ke dalam serangan nuklear awal terhadap Barat."

Keputusan Pejabat Kabinet untuk menyekat pembebasan dokumen yang berikut pengubahan status beberapa laporan Amerika Syarikat berkaitan dengan Able Archer 83.

Graham accepted there was “a public interest in understanding the lessons learned from Able Archer 83, and that disclosure could potentially add some value to what was already publicly known regarding the exercise.”

However, he argued there was a “strong public interest in safeguarding national security” and said the JIC report was “still relevant to national security today.”

Writing on the National Security Archive blog before his request was rejected, Jones said the document is “the first comprehensive report that warned that a November 1983 nuclear release exercise called Able Archer 83 could have spooked the Soviets into a pre-emptive nuclear attack against the West.”

The Cabinet Office’s decision to block the document’s release follows the declassification of several US reports relating to Able Archer 83.

UK may restart Cold War-style nuclear drills – senior diplomat (United Kingdom. boleh memulakan semula latihan nuklear gaya Cold War - diplomat kanan) http://on.rt.com/6th7 1:06 AM - 10 Oct 2015

Satu dokumen melihat peranan Oleg Gordievsky, seorang pegawai KGB yang berpaling tadah ke Britain dan yang memberi amaran Washington tentang kesan berbahaya puntung berapi retorik Presiden Ronald Reagan pada Kremlin paranoid.

Satu lagi dokumen yang dikeluarkan baru-baru ini menerangkan bagaimana Able Archer 83 "mungkin secara tidak sengaja meletakkan hubungan kita dengan Kesatuan Soviet pada pencetus rambut" dan bahawa Presiden Reagan "diberikan penilaian sikap Soviet dan tindakan yang terkurang risiko kepada Amerika Syarikat."

Sesetengah ahli sejarah mendakwa Able Archer 83 kejadian itu adalah yang paling dekat DUNIA telah datang untuk perang nuklear sejak Cuba Missile Crisis of 1962.

Tentera Soviet disiapkan senjata nuklear mereka dan meletakkan unit udara di Jerman Timur dan Poland berjaga-jaga selepas latihan tentera yang diketuai ahli Politburo untuk mempercayai NATO telah bersedia untuk berperang.

One document looked at the role of Oleg Gordievsky, a KGB officer who defected to Britain and who warned Washington about the dangerous effect of President Ronald Reagan’s firebrand rhetoric on a paranoid Kremlin.

Another recently released document describes how Able Archer 83 “may have inadvertently placed our relations with the Soviet Union on a hair trigger” and that President Reagan was “given assessments of Soviet attitudes and actions that understated the risks to the United States.”

Some historians claim the Able Archer 83 incident is the closest the world has come to nuclear war since the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962.

Soviet forces readied their nuclear weapons and placed air units in East Germany and Poland on alert after the military exercise led Politburo members to believe NATO was preparing for war.

READ MORE: http://on.rt.com/6yr3