Reuters/Jason Reed
tvR - Menyusup rangkaian asing dan mendapat akses kepada
sistem yang sensitif, NSA telah menggunakan taktik "subversif
fizikal" - menggerakkan ejen menyamar di, Korea Selatan dan mungkin juga
syarikat-syarikat Amerika, Laporan Intercept Cina, Jerman.
Laporan lepas di Agensi Keselamatan Kebangsaan (NSA)
telah biasanya digam-barkan organ kerajaan yg hacks sistem lain atau bekerja
dgn syarikat-syarikat swasta untuk memintas perlindungan penyulitan mereka
sendiri, tetapi laporan terbaru berdasarkan fail dibocorkan oleh Edward Snowden
mencadangkan agensi boleh menerapkan koperasi ke luar negara, serta domestik,
"entiti komersial."
Dalam satu 13 document muka surat yang
dikeluarkan oleh The Intercept, NSA menerangkan enam program yang
berbeza yang dianggapnya "rahsia teras," yang kesemuanya difailkan di
bawah panji-panji "Sentry Eagle." Dokumen tersebut mem-beri amaran
bahawa sebarang pendedahan dpd "rahsia "akan menyebabkan"
kerosakan sangat serius kepada keselamatan negara Amerika Syarikat" dan
tidak boleh dilakukan tanpa kebenaran daripada seorang pegawai perisikan kanan.
Program-program ini, ada yang masih berjalan sehingga 2012, terdiri
daripada yang berikut:
Sentry Hawk: Yang melibatkan
kerjasama antara NSA dan juga syarikat-syarikat asing dan domestik untuk
mengeksploitasi rangkaian komputer.
Sentry Falcon: Yang termasuk
mempertahankan rangkaian komputer.
Sentry Osprey: Yang melibatkan NSA
bekerjasama dengan CIA, FBI dan Pentagon untuk mengambil koperasi manusia yang
boleh membantu memberikan akses agensi kepada rangkaian.
Sentry Raven: Yang menerangkan
rundingan NSA dengan syarikat-syarikat Amerika untuk melemahkan penyulitan
mereka untuk memberikan agensi akses yang lebih mudah.
Sentry Condor: Yang termasuk serangan
rangkaian serangan yang boleh memusnahkan atau melemahkan sistem komputer.
Sentry Owl: Yang melibatkan NSA
bekerjasama dengan syarikat-syarikat asing untuk membuat produk mereka terdedah
kepada pengumpulan data NSA.
Salah satu yang paling besar adalah ayat-ayat yang
di bawah Sentry Osprey, ejen menyamar - Aset kecerdasan manusia, atau
"HUMINT" - telah tertanam untuk membantu NSA berjaya menjalankan
operasi risikan isyarat (SIGINT), yang melibatkan pemintasan komunikasi dan
isyarat elektronik. Sama ada ejen-ejen ini adalah menyamar sebagai pekerja,
ahli perniagaan di luar, atau beberapa jenis lain kakitangan adalah tdk
diketahui. Syarikat-syarikat asing & juga syarikat-syarikat tempatan boleh
Ini "eksploitasi sasaran" Kumpulan -
dilabel "TAREX" - dilaporkan mempunyai ope-rasi di Korea Selatan,
Jerman dan China, dengan kehadiran tempatan di Georgia, Hawaii dan Texas.
Sudah, Kesatuan Kebebasan Sivil Amerika kepada The
Intercept bahawa ia telah mengadakan perbincangan dengan eksekutif berteknologi
domestik lebih banyak kemungkinan bahawa NSA secara fizikal menyusup syarikat mereka.
NSA used UnderCover AGENTS
in foreign COMPANIES . . .
To infiltrate foreign networks and gain access to
sensitive systems, the NSA has been using the tactics of “physical subversion”
– deploying undercover agents in Chinese, German, South Korean and possibly
even American companies, The Intercept reports.
Past reports on the National Security Agency (NSA)
have typically depicted a government organ that hacks other systems or works
with private corporations to bypass their own encryption protections, but the
latest report based on files leaked by Edward Snowden suggests the agency could
be embedding operatives into foreign, as well as domestic, “commercial
In a 13-page document published by The Intercept, the NSA describes six different programs
that it considers to be “core secrets,” all of which are filed under the banner
of “Sentry Eagle.” The document warns that any disclosure of the “secrets” will
cause “exceptionally grave damage to US national security” and should not be
done without an authorization from a senior intelligence official.
These programs, some of which were ongoing as of 2012, are composed of
the following:
Sentry Hawk: Which involves
cooperation between the NSA as well as foreign and domestic companies to
exploit computer networks.
Sentry Falcon: Which includes the
defense of computer networks.
Sentry Osprey: Which involves the NSA
cooperating with the CIA, FBI and Pentagon to employ human operatives that can
help give the agency access to networks.
Sentry Raven: Which describes the
NSA’s negotiations with American companies to weaken their encryption in order
to give the agency easier access.
Sentry Condor: Which includes
offensive network attacks that can destroy or weaken computer systems.
Sentry Owl: Which involves the NSA
working with foreign companies to make their products susceptible to NSA data
One of the biggest revelations is that under Sentry
Osprey, undercover agents – human intelligence assets, or “HUMINT” - have been
embedded to help the NSA successfully conduct signals intelligence operations
(SIGINT), which involve the interception of communications and electronic
signals. Whether these agents are impersonating employees, outside businessmen,
or some other type of personnel is unknown. Foreign companies as well as
domestic companies could be targeted.
This “target exploitation” group – labeled “TAREX” –
reportedly has a presence in South Korea, Germany, and China, with a domestic
presence in Georgia, Hawaii, and Texas.
Already, the American Civil Liberties Union told The
Intercept that it has had discussions with domestic tech executives over the
possibility that the NSA is physically infiltrating their companies.
AFP Photo/Credit PAUL J. Richards
Sementara itu, laporan itu menyatakan bahawa agensi perisikan Amerika
Syarikat bukan satu-satunya yang mahu data syarikat2 berteknologi memegang,
menunjuk ke kumpulan di China yang disyaki mahu maklumat tersebut hanya sebagai
yang teruk.
Dokumen-dokumen baru juga menunjukkan bahawa NSA adalah atau telah
beker-jasama dengan ketara dengan syarikat-syarikat asing di bawah Sentry Owl,
teru-tama apabila ia datang kepada produk pembuatan ia boleh mengeksploitasi.
Liputan mendedahkan keluasan akses NSA untuk data
yang dipegang oleh firma Amerika telah mencetuskan kebimbangan bagi ekonomi Amerika
Syarikat - ekse-kutif baru-baru ini memberi amaran ‘recently
warned’ berteknologi pengawasan boleh "break" internet -
tetapi kini terdapat petunjuk bahawa walaupun syarikat-syarikat asing telah
Bukan sahaja yang membuat lebih sukar bagi pengguna
utk mendapatkan perka-kasan komunikasi dilindungi, tetapi jika kerajaan asing
tidak mengetahui bahawa syarikat-syarikat mereka sendiri bekerja dengan agensi
perisikan, bekas ahli pem-bacaan sandi NSA William Binney berkata berita yang
boleh mencetuskan tindak balas dan penyiasatan di luar negara.
Bagi sebahagian, NSA enggan menjelaskan butiran
untuk Intercept ini. Ia menge-luarkan kenyataan berkata, "Ia harus datang
tidak mengejutkan bahawa NSA menjalankan operasi disasarkan utk melawan
musuh2 yang semakin tangkas."
Pada masa yang sama, agensi itu berkata ia
"mengambil kira globalisasi perda-gangan, pelaburan dan aliran maklumat,
dan komitmen kepada Internet global terbuka, saling beroperasi, dan
Meanwhile, the report noted that the US intelligence
agency isn’t the only one that would want the data that tech companies are
holding, pointing to groups in China that are suspected to want such
information just as badly.
The new documents also show that the NSA is or was
cooperating significantly with foreign companies under Sentry Owl, particularly
when it comes to manufacturing products it can easily exploit. Coverage
exposing the breadth of the NSA’s access to data held by American firms has
already sparked concern for the US economy – tech executives recently
warned the surveillance could “break” the internet – but now there’s
indication that even foreign companies have been affected.
Not only does that make it harder for consumers to
obtain protected communi-cations hardware, but if foreign governments are not
aware that their own companies are working with intelligence agency, former NSA
cryptographer William Binney said the news could spark backlash and
investigations overseas.
For its part, the NSA declined to clarify details to
The Intercept. It released a statement saying, “It should come as no surprise
that NSA conducts targeted operations to counter increasingly agile
At the same time, the agency said it “takes into
account the globalization of trade, investment and information flows, and the
commitment to an open, interoperable, and secure global Internet.”
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