Kementerian Kecemasan berjalan di lokasi yang Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777
nahas kapal terbang, MH17, berhampiran penyelesaian Grabovo di rantau Donetsk,
17 Julai 2014 (Emergencies Ministry members walk at the site of a Malaysia
Airlines Boeing 777 plane crash, MH17, near the settlement of Grabovo in the
Donetsk region, July 17, 2014 (Reuters/Maxim Zmeyev)
tvR - Ketua Majlis Keselamatan Ukraine mungkin secara
tidak sengaja tertumpah kacang, berkata serpihan peluru berpandu Buk-M boleh
didapati dengan MH17 serpihan kemalangan. Walau bagaimanapun, peluru berpandu
yang tepat beliau menyebut hanya dimiliki oleh Ukraine, pegawai-pegawai tentera
Rusia berkata.
Penyiasatan kemalangan MH17 Boeing-777-200 pd
Julai akan siap apabila mayat Buk-M pertahanan udara peluru berpandu yg
ditemui, Valentin Nalivaichenko, ketua Perkhidmatan Keselamatan Ukraine (SBU),
memberitahu TV Ukraine.
Ukraine akan memenuhi obligasinya dan mengenal
pasti penjenayah, yang akan menanggung tanggungjawab dan pampasan bagi
kerosakan ke bawah untuk mengambil penerbangan MH17 dgn 298 penumpang &
anak kapal di atas kapal, kata Nalivaichenko.
"Ia akan menjadi anggota perkhidmatan Rusia
yang menggunakan peluru berpandu Buk-M " untuk mengambil jet penumpang,
Satu sumber di Rusia Kakitangan Bersama tlh
membuat komen mengenai isu itu kepada agensi berita RIA Novosti, berkata bahawa
kebocoran yang tidak sukarela Nalivaichenko tlh mendedahkan bahawa Ukraine
mempunyai versi moden komp-leks pertahanan udara dibuat.-Soviet.
MH17 crash: Ukraine
security chief says missile only Kiev has may be found at crash site . . .
Ukraine’s Security Council chief may have inadvertently
spilled the beans, saying fragments of a Buk-M missile may be found with MH17
crash debris. However, the exact missile he mentioned is only possessed by
Ukraine, Russian army officials say.
Investigation of the MH17 Boeing-777-200 crash in
July will be completed when the remains of the Buk-M air defense missile are
found, Valentin Nalivaichenko, head of the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU),
told Ukrainian TV.
Ukraine will fulfill its obligations and identify
the perpetrators, who will bear responsibility and compensate for the damage
for taking down the MH17 flight with 298 passengers and crew on board,
Nalivaichenko said.
“It will be Russian servicemen who used the Buk-M missile” to take down
the passenger jet, he said.
A source in Russia’s Joint Staff has commented on
the issue to RIA Novosti news agency, saying that Nalivaichenko’s involuntary
leak has revealed that Ukraine possesses a modernized version of the
Soviet-made air defense complex.
krainian Security Service Chairman Valentin
Nalivaichenko (RIA Novosti/Alexandr Maksimenko)
Pada awal tahun 1980, industri pertahanan Kesatuan Soviet mula
pengeluaran Buk-M1, yang amat berkesan, jarak sederhana sistem pertahanan
peluru berpandu.
Banyak Buk-M1s ditempatkan di sempadan barat negara itu, di wilayah 3
kawasan di Ukraine Republik Sosialis Soviet.
Selepas kejatuhan Kesatuan Soviet, semua sistem mereka kekal di Ukraine
dan Kiev hari ini mempunyai tidak kurang daripada 70 sistem tersebut, sumber
RIA Novosti berkata.
Menurut sumber-sumber terbuka, tentera Rusia
beroperasi lebih 350 Buk-M1-2 dan sistem peluru berpandu Buk-M2, dgn hanya
versi terkini diubahsuai dibangunkan selepas Ukraine mencapai kemerdekaan pada
tahun 1991 dengan kejatuhan USSR. Versi diubahsuai Rusia mula beroperasi pada
akhir 1990-an, dan kini telah benar-benar menggantikan yang lebih tua, sistem
peluru berpandu Soviet.
Pakar tentera Rusia menegaskan bahawa Rusia tidak mempunyai
"dimodenkan" Buk sistem pertahanan udara.
Rusia beroperasi lebih 350 sistem peluru berpandu Buk, semua dari mereka
dengan versi terbaru Buk M1-2 dan Buk M2, katanya.
"Apabila Encik Nalivaichenko menyebut
'dimodenkan Buk sistem, dia mungkin bermakna sistem pertahanan udara yang siap
dinaiktaraf oleh industri pertahanan Ukraine. Kita tahu bahawa Ukraine telah
bekerja ke arah ini, "kata sumber itu, sambil menambah bahawa maklumat
mengenai pemodenan Ukraine sistem Buk disahkan pd lewat Jun di laman web
Kementerian Pertahanan Ukraine, yg dilapor-kan telah diubahsuai sistem peluru
berpandu menjadi operasi.
Ini berlaku hanya beberapa minggu sebelum Malaysia Airlines
Boeing-777-200 telah ditembak jatuh di ruang udara Ukraine pada 17 Julai.
Menurut sumber dalam Rusia Staf Bersama, apa-apa pengubahsuaian
tanpa kuasa elektronik kelengkapan ketenteraan rumit akan berbuat tidak baik,
kerana ia akan merendahkan ketepatan senjata.
Pada asalnya, semua Buk sistem pertahanan udara yg
beroperasi di Ukraine telah dihasilkan tinggi keselamatan Institut Penyelidikan
tumbuhan Instrumentasi di Wilayah Moscow.
"Kekeliruan dan tidak konsisten tindak balas
Nalivaichenko ini tidak meninggalkan keraguan bahawa beliau menyebut pelan yang
pasti tidak dibangunkan oleh SBU, tetapi dibawa pada hari yang lain dari mentor
mereka di luar negara," kata sumber Kakitangan Bersama. "Ini adalah
kesilapan Nalivaichenko dan mulut yang besar."
Bahawa pd hari MH17 ditembak ke bawah, 156 SAM
rejimen Ukraine menjalankan satu pelancaran peluru berpandu yang tidak
dibenarkan, keadaan kecemasan yang sedang disiasat oleh SBU & jelas yang
hushed oleh pihak berkuasa Kiev, kata ‘said’ pegawai itu.
"Anda tidak perlu menjadi seorang genius untuk
meletakkan bersama-sama unsur-unsur teka-teki ini dan memahami apa jenis gambar
Encik Nalivaichnko cuba untuk menjual kami," berkata Kakitangan Bersama sumber
di Rusia.
In the early 1980s, the Soviet Union’s defense industry began production
of the Buk-M1, an extremely effective, medium-range missile defense system.
Many of the Buk-M1s were stationed on the country’s
western borders, on the territory of three regions in the Ukraine Soviet
Socialist Republic.
After the fall of the Soviet Union, all those systems
remained in Ukraine and today Kiev possesses no less than 70 such systems, RIA
Novosti’s source said.
According to open sources, the Russian army operates
over 350 Buk-M1-2 and Buk-M2 missile systems, with only the latest modified
versions developed after Ukraine became independent in 1991 with the fall of
the USSR. Russia’s modified versions came into operation in the late 1990s, and
now have completely replaced the older, Soviet missile systems.
The Russian military expert stressed that Russia has no “modernized” Buk
air defense systems.
Russia operates over 350 Buk missile systems, all of them of the latest
versions of the Buk M1-2 and Buk M2, he said.
“When Mr Nalivaichenko mentions a ‘modernized Buk’
system, he probably means an air defense system that was upgraded by the
Ukrainian defense industry. We know that Ukraine has been working in this
direction,” the source said, adding that the information about the
modernization of Ukrainian Buk systems was confirmed in late June on the
Ukrainian Defense Ministry’s website, which reported renovated missile systems
becoming operational.
This happened just a few weeks before the Malaysian Airlines
Boeing-777-200 was shot down in Ukrainian airspace on July 17.
According to the source in Russia’s Joint Staff, any
unauthorized modification of the electronics of complicated military hardware
would do no good, as it would degrade the accuracy of the weapon.
Originally, all Buk air defense systems operated in
Ukraine were produced at the high-security Research Institute of
Instrumentation plant in the Moscow Region.
“The confusion and inconsistency of Nalivaichenko’s
responses leaves no doubt that he mentioned a plan that definitely had not been
developed by the SBU, but rather brought in the other day from their overseas
mentors,” the Joint Staff source said. “This is Nalivaichenko and his big mouth
On the day that the MH17 was shot down, Ukraine’s
156th SAM regiment carried out an unauthorized missile launch, an emergency
situation that is being investigated by the SBU and obviously being hushed up
by Kiev authorities, the official said.
“You don’t need to be a genius to put together the
elements of this puzzle and understand what kind of a picture Mr Nalivaichnko
is attempting to sell us,” the source at Russia’s Joint Staff said.
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